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Exploration Web

NID Wali Diwali 2020

Sense of belonging and hope even from remote places across India for NID Diwali Celebrations


Allwin(Concept, Firebase, Web interface), Manjusha (Explorations, p5.js, Prototyping)


Javascript, p5.js, Firebase


3 days

While people are separated physically and spread across due to the pandemic, how can we bring the feeling of celebrating Diwali 'together'? The aim was to 'Create an interactive that strengthens the sense of community'. As Diwali is all about celebrations, fireworks, and socialization, we wanted to generate a personal firework for each participant based on their personal data - primarily, their name and location. We decided to place each generated firework on a map of India to express the feeling of being together in one space despite being physically apart. The map view displays the collection of fireworks belonging to every participant from NID.

"NID Wali Diwali" is an interactive web app that brought people together in a digital space during the pandemic.

Link to live site Link to documentation
Please check out the live site!!

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