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Installation Sound

Students X Violence

Two things that doesn't mix well


Allwin(Concept, Prototyping), and others in the course(Props)


Hitesh Chaurasia, Dishari Chakraborty


Unity, Arduino, Blender


1 week


Are you listening?

Protests have always been a part of the socital and political structure. India especially is known for peaceful protests on the footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi. Also, students have always been an active participants in these events. But over the years protests are turning violent and that is not a right direction to take. Students are a nations strength but nowadays even the student protests ends up in voilent events and that is not a welcoming change. There may be various reasoning and factor involved but whatever those reasons are students and violence are never a good combination. This is the message behind this particular installation.

This was exhibited as part of Open Elective Exhibition 2020 at NID Ahmedabad.

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